[iOS Hack] Township Unlimited Cash v3.0.0

Share your vision of a perfect place to live in! Harvest crops on the farm, run processing facilities and sell goods to develop your town. Explore the mine to get resources and sail to distant islands for exotic products. Open cafes, cinemas and other community buildings to encourage social life. Are you ready to build your dream?

Enjoy these features:
* Use the variety of community buildings and decorations to create the town of your dreams
* Grow organic crops on your farm and process them on factories
* Charismatic and fun characters with quirky personalities brighten up the life of your town
* Collect ancient artifacts by exploring the mine in your town
* Sail to distant islands to get exotic products
* Build the famous landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, the Maya Pyramid, and many others!
* Make changes to the landscape to suit your architectural needs

Application Name: Township
Current Version: 3.0.0
Updated: Aug 06, 2015
Size: 95.4 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 5.1.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id638689075?mt=8

Best Chart Rankings
#3 in Simulation Games (iPhone) on Oct 31, 2013
#2 in Simulation Games (iPad) on Oct 31, 2013
#107 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Oct 28, 2013
#21 in Kids Games (iPad) on Oct 29, 2013
#6 in Adventure Games (iPhone) on Oct 31, 2013
#2 in Adventure Games (iPad) on Oct 31, 2013
#31 in Top Games (iPhone) on Oct 29, 2013
#13 in Top Games (iPad) on Oct 29, 2013
#107 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Oct 28, 2013
#21 in Top Apps (iPad) on Oct 29, 2013

App Activity
Version 3.0.0 - Aug 06 '15
Version 2.9.5 - Jul 11 '15
Version 2.0.0 - Dec 09 '13
New App: Free, v1.0.5 - Oct 24 '13

Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
  • Unlimited Cash

Создайте город своей мечты! Собирайте урожай, перерабатывайте его на фабриках и продавайте готовую продукцию, чтобы развивать ваш город. Исследуйте шахту в поисках ресурсов и древних артефактов. Открывайте рестораны, кинотеатры, кафе и другие здания, чтобы сделать жизнь в вашем городе яркой и разнообразной. Вы готовы построить свою мечту? Вперед!

Teile deine Vision eines perfekten Lebensraums! Hol die Ernte ein, betreibe Fabriken und verkaufe Waren, um deine Stadt zu entwickeln. Erkunde die Mine, um Ressourcen zu erhalten, und sammle uralte Artefakte ein. Eröffne Cafés, Kinos und andere Gemeinschaftsgebäude für ein reges Zusammenleben. Bist du bereit, deinen Traum wahr zu machen?

Partagez votre vision du lieu de vie parfait ! Moissonnez des récoltes, dirigez des installations de transformation et vendez des produits pour développer votre ville. Explorez la mine pour trouver des ressources et d'anciens artefacts. Ouvrez des cafés, des cinémas et d’autres bâtiments publics pour favoriser la vie sociale. Êtes-vous prêt(e) à construire votre rêve ?

Crea il luogo perfetto in cui vivere! Coltiva i campi, gestisci la produzione e vendi i prodotti ricavati per sviluppare la tua cittadina. Esplora la miniera per ottenere risorse e raccogliere antichi manufatti. Apri bar, cinema e altri edifici per migliorare la vita sociale degli abitanti. Che ne dici di costruire il tuo sogno?

¡Comparte tu visión del lugar perfecto para vivir! Cosecha cultivos, gestiona instalaciones de procesamiento y vende productos para desarrollar tu ciudad. Explora la mina para obtener recursos y artefactos antiguos. Ofrece una animada vida social a tus ciudadanos abriendo cafeterías, cines y otros edificios comunitarios. ¡Prepárate para construir tu sueño!

君が住みたい理想の町のイメージをシェアしよう!町を発展させるために、作物を収穫し、加工するための施設を動かして、品物を売ろう。鉱山を探検して素材を手に入れ、古代物質を集めよう。 カフェや映画館などの公共の建物を開いて、住人達がいきいきと暮らせるような町を作ろう。君の夢の町を造る準備はできたかい?

꿈의 마을
최적의 주거 환경을 공유하세요! 작물을 수확하고, 시설을 가동하고, 상품을 팔아 마을을 발전시키며, 카페나 영화관, 문화 시설을 지어 더불어 사는 삶을 누릴 수 있습니다. 광산을 탐험하여 자원을 획득하고 고대의 공예품들을 모으세요. 꿈을 창조할 준비가 되셨나요?

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