[iOS Hack] TinyLegends™ Heroes Unlimited tCrystal Gold v1.4.5

A sinister shadow stretches over the land of Kromdor. The dark lord Necralis has imprisoned the continent’s greatest champions and unleashed hordes of murderous monsters on a reign of terror. But into the darkness step brave new adventurers! Do you have the courage to lead them into a new age of heroes?

• Real-time 3D battles
• Epic loot
• Heart-stopping boss fights
• Awesome graphics
• Devastating skills
• 6 different classes
• 44 floors of nonstop action
• Strategic team combat

Application Name: TinyLegends™ Heroes
Current Version: 1.4.5
Updated: Nov 26, 2014
Size: 133 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id569360073?mt=8

Best Chart Rankings
#5 in Strategy Games (iPhone) on Dec 8, 2012
#3 in Strategy Games (iPad) on Dec 8, 2012
#2 in Role Playing Games (iPhone) on Dec 12, 2012
#2 in Role Playing Games (iPad) on Dec 13, 2012
#23 in Top Games (iPhone) on Dec 8, 2012
#18 in Top Games (iPad) on Dec 9, 2012
#33 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Dec 8, 2012
#26 in Top Apps (iPad) on Dec 8, 2012

App Activity
Version 1.4.5 Nov 25 '14
Version 1.4.4 Oct 08 '14
Version 1.0.5 Dec 19 '12
New App: $.99, v1.0 Dec 05 '12

Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
  • Unlimited tCrystal Gold

Крошечные Легенды: герои
Зловещая тень простирается над землей Kromdor. Темный Лорд Necralis заточил в тюрьму величайших чемпионов континента, и направил орды монстров на путь убийств и террора. Но во тьме нашлись храбрые авантюристы, готовые дать отпор! Хватит ли у вас мужества, чтобы привести их к новой эпохе героев?

Ein düsterer Schatten erstreckt sich über Kromdorland. Der Dunkler Lord Necralis hat die größten Champions des Kontinents ins Gefängnis gesteckt und Horden mörderischen Monster für Terrorherrschaft von der Leine gelassen. Aber in das Dunkel sind neue brave Abenteurer getreten! Traust du dich, diese in neue Heldenzeit zu führen?

Une ombre sinistre s'étend sur la terre de Kromdor. Le seigneur noir Necralis a emprisonné les plus grands champions du continent et relâché des hordes de monstres meurtriers pour un règne de terreur. Mais dans cette ère de ténèbre, de nouveaux aventuriers apparaissent ! Avez-vous le courage de les conduire vers une nouvelle ère des HEROS ?

A sinister shadow stretches over the land of Kromdor. The dark lord Necralis has imprisoned the continent’s greatest champions and unleashed hordes of murderous monsters on a reign of terror. But into the darkness step brave new adventurers! Do you have the courage to lead them into a new age of heroes?


왕국을 침략하는 마물들의 기세는 점점 거세어지고,왕국내 마을들역시 공격을 받아 함락되어갔다.
왕국은 선발대를 보내 마물들의 둥지에 공격을 하였으나 너무나 강한 마물들로 패배하고 남은 전사들은 마물들의 둥지 입구에 선발대 진영을 세우고 더많은 용사들의 참전을 기다린다.
그리고 새로 참전한 영웅들과 함께 또다시 마물들의 둥지를 향한 공격이 시작되는데……

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