[iOS Hack] Angry Birds Star Wars II Unlimited Credit Stack v1.8.1

The Force is strong with this one. Get ready for Angry Birds Star Wars II – the epic follow-up to the #1 smash hit game! Based on the Star Wars movie prequels, use the Force for good against the greedy Pork Federation or choose a much darker path. That’s right; for the first time ever you can “Join the Pork Side” and play as the fearsome Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine and many other favorites!

JOIN THE PORK SIDE! For the first time ever play as the pigs! Wield Darth Maul’s double-bladed Lightsaber, or play as Darth Vader, General Grievous and other villains!

30+ PLAYABLE CHARACTERS! Our biggest line-up ever of playable characters – Yoda, pod-racing Anakin, Mace Windu, Jango Fett and many more!

TELEPODS! A groundbreaking new way to play! Now teleport your favorite characters into the game by placing your Angry Birds Star Wars Telepods* figures on your device’s camera!

BECOME A JEDI OR SITH MASTER! So many Bird and Pork Side levels to master, plus a bonus reward chapter and a ton of achievements to unlock!

Application Name: Angry Birds Star Wars II
Current Version: 1.8.1
Updated: Jan 12, 2015
Size: 84.8 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id645859810?mt=8

Best Chart Rankings
#1 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Dec 24, 2013
#1 in Kids Games (iPad) on Dec 24, 2013
#1 in Arcade Games (iPhone) on Dec 28, 2013
#1 in Arcade Games (iPad) on Jun 12, 2014
#1 in Action Games (iPhone) on Dec 29, 2013
#1 in Action Games (iPad) on Jun 6, 2014
#1 in Top Games (iPhone) on Dec 25, 2013
#1 in Top Games (iPad) on Dec 25, 2013
#1 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Dec 24, 2013
#1 in Top Apps (iPad) on Dec 24, 2013

App Activity
Version 1.8.1 - Jan 12 '15
Version 1.8.0 - Dec 04 '14
$.99 -> Free - Jul 10 '14
Version 1.1.0 - Nov 01 '13
New App: $.99, v1.0.1 - Sep 18 '13

Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
  • Unlimited Credit Stack

С этим Сила увеличивается Приготовьтесь к Angry Birds Star Wars II — эпическому продолжению сенсационной игры №1! Основываясь на предыстории фильма Star Wars, используйте Силу во имя добра для борьбы с жадной Свинской Федерацией... или перейдите на темную сторону. Именно так! Вы первые можете «Перейти на Свинскую Сторону» и играть за ужасного Дарта Мола, Императора Палпатина и других любимых персонажей!

Die Macht ist stark in diesem dort. Mache dich bereit für Angry Birds Star Wars II – der epische Nachfolger zum Erfolgsknüller! Wie schon im auf den Star Wars-Filmen basierenden Vorgänger, kannst du die Macht für das Gute und gegen das gierige Schweine-Imperium nutzen. Oder du gehst den dunklen Weg der Macht! Du hast richtig gelesen – zum ersten Mal kannst du dich der „schweinischen Seite der Macht“ anschließen und den gefürchteten Darth Maul, Imperator Palpatine oder einen deiner anderen Favoriten spielen!

La Force est puissante en celui-ci. Préparez-vous pour Angry Birds Star Wars II, la suite épique du jeu qui a déjà fait un carton ! Basé sur les préquelles du film Star Wars, utilisez la Force pour faire le bien et combattre la Fédération Porcine ou empruntez la voie menant au côté obscur de la Force. Hé oui ! Pour la première fois, vous pourrez choisir de « Rejoindre le côté porcin » et jouer l'effrayant Dark Maul, l'empereur Palpatine et bien d'autres !

La Forza è potente in questo gioco. Preparati per Angry Birds Star Wars II, l’epico seguito di un grande successo! Basato sui prequel della serie Star Wars. Usa la Forza a fin di bene contro l’avida Federazione Porcina, oppure scegli di seguire la via oscura. Proprio così! Per la prima volta, potrai scegliere di “unirti al Lato Sporco” giocando nel ruolo dei temibili Darth Maul, Imperatore Palpatine e molti altri!

¿Notas una perturbación en la Fuerza? ¡Eso es porque ya está aquí Angry Birds Star Wars II, la continuación del gran éxito de ventas intergaláctico de Rovio! Explora el universo de la nueva trilogía de Star Wars y usa el poder de la Fuerza contra la codiciosa Federación del Tocino... ¡o, si lo prefieres, sigue el camino de la oscuridad! Como lo oyes: por primera vez, podrás pasarte al lado gorrino de la Fuerza y ponerte en la piel del temible Darth Maul, del emperador Palpatine y de otras grandes figuras del reverso tenebroso.

フォースが今まで以上に強力になりました。#1スマッシュヒットゲーム、Angry Birds Star Wars IIで新しい叙事詩を作ろう!映画Star Warsの新3部作を踏まえて欲深いポーク連合に向けてフォースを使うか、ダークな道に進もう。そうです。初めて「ポークサイドに堕ちる」ことができるのです。恐ろしいダース・モールや皇帝パルパティーンなど人気者になってプレイできます!

포스가 강합니다. Angry Birds Star Wars II에 대비하세요. 최고의 인기 게임을 기대하세요! Star Wars 영화 프리퀄을 바탕으로 포스를 사용하여 탐욕스러운 돼지 연방에 저항하거나 더욱 어두운 길을 택하세요. 그렇습니다. 처음으로 "돼지 편에서 싸울 수 있습니다." 무서운 Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine 그리고 기타 다양한 캐릭터를 플레이하세요.

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