[iOS Hack] Temple Run 2 Unlimited Gems v1.16

The sequel to the smash hit phenomenon that took the world by storm!

Temple Run redefined mobile gaming. Now get more of the exhilarating running, jumping, turning and sliding you love in Temple Run 2!

Navigate perilous cliffs, zip lines, mines and forests as you try to escape with the cursed idol. How far can you run?!


* Beautiful new graphics
* Gorgeous new organic environments
* New obstacles
* More powerups
* More achievements
* Special powers for each character
* Bigger monkey!!!

Application Name: Temple Run 2
Current Version: 1.16
Updated: Jun 26, 2015
Size: 85.0 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 5.1.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id572395608?mt=8

Best Chart Rankings
#15 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Dec 27, 2013
#15 in Kids Games (iPad) on Dec 26, 2014
#1 in Adventure Games (iPhone) on Apr 16, 2015
#1 in Adventure Games (iPad) on Apr 15, 2015
#1 in Action Games (iPhone) on Feb 28, 2013
#1 in Action Games (iPad) on Feb 13, 2013
#1 in Top Games (iPhone) on Feb 3, 2013
#1 in Top Games (iPad) on Feb 12, 2013
#1 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Jan 30, 2013
#1 in Top Apps (iPad) on Feb 11, 2013

App Activity
Version 1.16 Jun 26 '15
Version 1.15.1 Apr 18 '15
Version 1.0.1 Feb 01 '13
New App: Free, v1.0 Jan 16 '13

Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
  • 999999000 Gems, Coins

Die Fortsetzung des Riesenerfolgsphänomen, das die Welt im Sturm eroberte! Mit über 170 Millionen Downloads hat Temple Run die Welt der mobilen Spiele neu definiert. Hol dir mit Temple Run 2 noch mehr des berauschenden Laufens, Springens, Umgehens und Rutschens!Navigiere gefährliche Klippen, Seilbahnen, Minen und Wälder, während du versuchst, mit dem verwünschten Götzenbild zu entkommen. Wie weit kannst du laufen?!

La suite du phénomène au succès foudroyant qui a conquis le monde ! Temple Run a redéfini les jeux vidéo sur appareils portatifs. Vivez maintenant plus d’expériences exaltantes avec les courses, les sauts, les changements de direction et les glissements que vous avez aimés dans Temple Run 2 ! Traversez les dangereuses falaises, tyroliennes, mines et forêts lorsque vous essayez de vous échapper avec l’idole maudite. Jusqu’où pouvez-vous aller ?

¡La secuela al fenómeno del súper hit que tomó al mundo por asalto! Temple Run redefinió los juegos móviles. Ahora, ¡obtén más de los estimulantes saltos, corridas, vueltas y resbalones que amas en Temple Run 2! Navega por peligrosos acantilados, tirolesas, minas y bosques mientras tratas de escapar del ídolo maldito. ¡¿Qué tan lejos puedes correr?!

La sequela del fenomeno di grande successo che ha colto il mondo con una tempesta! Temple Run ha ridefinito il gioco sul cellulare. Ora puoi ottenere ancor più la corsa esaltante, i salti, le svolte e la scorrevolezza che ami nel Temple Run 2! Naviga scogliere pericolose, linee zip, le miniere e le foreste, mentre tenti di fuggire con l'idolo maledetto. Fin dove puoi correre?

世界を席巻するほど大ヒットした現象の続編! 1億7000万回以上のダウンロードで、Temple Run はモバイルゲームを再定義しました。今度はお気に入りの Temple Run 2 の爽快なランニング、ジャンプ、ターン、スライドをさらに多く手に入れよう!! 呪われた偶像で危険な崖、ジップライン、鉱山や森林を脱出しようとしてナビゲートします。どこまで実行することができるでしょうか?!

세계를 뒤흔든 대 히트 게임의 후속 편!1억 7천만번의 다운로드를 자랑하는 Temple Run이 모바일 게임의 역사를 재 정의합니다. 지금 Temple Run 2에서 더욱 더 긴장감 넘치는 달리기, 점프, 턴, 슬라이딩을 즐겨보세요!저주 받은 황금 석상을 추적하는 원숭이를 피해 위험한 절벽과 광산 및 숲을 돌아다니세요. 당신은 얼마나 멀리 달릴 수 있나요?

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