[iOS Hack] Earn to Die 2 Unlimited Coins v1.0.20
Drive your car through a zombie apocalypse in this massive follow-up to the chart-topping hit Earn to Die!
An evacuation ship is waiting on the other side of the country. The only thing that stands in your way: city after city overrun by zombies . With only a run-down car and a small amount of cash you face a familiar situation... to drive through hordes of zombies in order to survive!
Earn to Die 2 introduces a massive new Story Mode, five times longer than its predecessor. The game departs its familiar desert setting and delves into the depths of cities infested by zombies.
Levels are now multi-tiered! Drive across decayed highway overpasses, via underground tunnels, or smash through epic zombie filled factories. Whichever path you choose to take, you won't be able to escape the zombie hordes - your only choice is to smash through them!
Unlock and upgrade 10 different vehicles, including a sports car, a fire truck, and even an ice-cream van. Each vehicle can be equipped with a range of upgrades, such as armored frames, roof-mounted guns, boosters and more. Those zombies will stand no chance.
Vehicles are now fully destructible. Hang on for your life as your vehicle gets smashed to smithereens if you aren't too careful.
What are you waiting for? That rescue ship isn't going to wait forever! Prepare yourself for a wild ride - and seriously, there is nothing like smashing through zombie-filled factories!
Best Chart Rankings
#1 in Racing Games (iPhone) on Jul 10, 2015
#1 in Racing Games (iPad) on Jul 22, 2015
#4 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Nov 26, 2014
#6 in Kids Games (iPad) on Nov 23, 2014
#2 in Action Games (iPhone) on Dec 9, 2014
#3 in Action Games (iPad) on Nov 28, 2014
#4 in Top Games (iPhone) on Nov 26, 2014
#5 in Top Games (iPad) on Nov 25, 2014
#4 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Nov 26, 2014
#6 in Top Apps (iPad) on Nov 23, 2014
App Activity
$.99 -> $1.99 Mar 07 '15
Version 1.0.20 Mar 02 '15
Version 1.0.18 Mar 02 '15
Version 1.0.20 Feb 27 '15
$1.99 -> $.99 Feb 25 '15
Version 1.0.18 Feb 11 '15
Free -> $1.99 Jan 27 '15
$1.99 -> Free Jan 25 '15
Version 1.0.11 Dec 17 '14
New App: $1.99, v1.0.1 Nov 19 '14
Earn to Die 2 v1.0.20 ipa Download for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken Device.
Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
Спасательный корабль ждет вас на другом конце страны. Единственное, что стоит у вас на пути: города, захваченные зомби. Имея лишь разваливающуюся колымагу и немного денег, вы окажетесь в знакомой ситуации: нужно проехать через армии зомби, чтобы спастись!
Ein Evakuierungsschiff wartet auf der anderen Seite des Landes auf dich. Doch eine Sache blockiert deinen Weg: eine Stadt nach der anderen wurde von Zombies überrannt. Nur mit einem heruntergekommenen Auto und ein bisschen Bargeld ausgestattet, musst du dich einer bekannten Situation stellen … fahre durch die Zombie-Horden, um zu überleben!
遥か彼方の海岸で救助船が待機しています。しかし、そこにたどり着くまでには、溢れるばかりのゾンビがあなたの行く手を阻もうとします。あるのはボロボロの車とわずかなキャッシュだけ… 生き抜くためには、次から次へと現れるるゾンビを粉砕していかなければなりません!
Un navire d'évacuation vous attend à l'autre bout du pays. Les seuls obstacles : des zombies qui ont envahi toutes les villes que vous traverserez. Au volant d'une voiture delabree et presque sans argent, vous vous retrouverez dans une situation qui ne vous est pas inconnue : vous devrez foncer à travers des hordes de zombies pour survivre !
Una nave ti attende dall'altro lato del Paese per portarti in salvo. Dovrai però attraversare una città invasa dagli zombie. Avrai a disposizione solo un'auto malmessa e qualche spicciolo per affrontare una situazione che già conosci: guidare tra orde di zombie nel tentativo di sopravvivere.
Una nave de evacuación espera al otro lado del país. Lo único que se interpone en tu camino: una ciudad tras otra invadidas por zombis. Con poco más que un coche destartalado y un puñado de dinero, te enfrentas a una situación familiar... ¡conducir entre hordas de zombis para poder sobrevivir!
탈출선이 지도 반대쪽에서 기다리고 있습니다. 목표 지역까지는 좀비들로 가득찬 여러 도시 지역을 통과해야 합니다. 항상 그렇지만, 이번에도 역시 살아남기 위해서는 낡은 자동차 한 대와 약간의 돈만으로 좀비 무리들을 뚫고 지나가야 합니다.
An evacuation ship is waiting on the other side of the country. The only thing that stands in your way: city after city overrun by zombies . With only a run-down car and a small amount of cash you face a familiar situation... to drive through hordes of zombies in order to survive!
Earn to Die 2 introduces a massive new Story Mode, five times longer than its predecessor. The game departs its familiar desert setting and delves into the depths of cities infested by zombies.
Levels are now multi-tiered! Drive across decayed highway overpasses, via underground tunnels, or smash through epic zombie filled factories. Whichever path you choose to take, you won't be able to escape the zombie hordes - your only choice is to smash through them!
Unlock and upgrade 10 different vehicles, including a sports car, a fire truck, and even an ice-cream van. Each vehicle can be equipped with a range of upgrades, such as armored frames, roof-mounted guns, boosters and more. Those zombies will stand no chance.
Vehicles are now fully destructible. Hang on for your life as your vehicle gets smashed to smithereens if you aren't too careful.
What are you waiting for? That rescue ship isn't going to wait forever! Prepare yourself for a wild ride - and seriously, there is nothing like smashing through zombie-filled factories!
Application Name: Earn to Die 2
Current Version: 1.0.20
Updated: Feb 27, 2015
Size: 98.5 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id891194610?mt=8
Best Chart Rankings
#1 in Racing Games (iPhone) on Jul 10, 2015
#1 in Racing Games (iPad) on Jul 22, 2015
#4 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Nov 26, 2014
#6 in Kids Games (iPad) on Nov 23, 2014
#2 in Action Games (iPhone) on Dec 9, 2014
#3 in Action Games (iPad) on Nov 28, 2014
#4 in Top Games (iPhone) on Nov 26, 2014
#5 in Top Games (iPad) on Nov 25, 2014
#4 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Nov 26, 2014
#6 in Top Apps (iPad) on Nov 23, 2014
App Activity
$.99 -> $1.99 Mar 07 '15
Version 1.0.20 Mar 02 '15
Version 1.0.18 Mar 02 '15
Version 1.0.20 Feb 27 '15
$1.99 -> $.99 Feb 25 '15
Version 1.0.18 Feb 11 '15
Free -> $1.99 Jan 27 '15
$1.99 -> Free Jan 25 '15
Version 1.0.11 Dec 17 '14
New App: $1.99, v1.0.1 Nov 19 '14
Earn to Die 2 v1.0.20 ipa Download for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken Device.
Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
- 955000555 Coins
Спасательный корабль ждет вас на другом конце страны. Единственное, что стоит у вас на пути: города, захваченные зомби. Имея лишь разваливающуюся колымагу и немного денег, вы окажетесь в знакомой ситуации: нужно проехать через армии зомби, чтобы спастись!
Ein Evakuierungsschiff wartet auf der anderen Seite des Landes auf dich. Doch eine Sache blockiert deinen Weg: eine Stadt nach der anderen wurde von Zombies überrannt. Nur mit einem heruntergekommenen Auto und ein bisschen Bargeld ausgestattet, musst du dich einer bekannten Situation stellen … fahre durch die Zombie-Horden, um zu überleben!
遥か彼方の海岸で救助船が待機しています。しかし、そこにたどり着くまでには、溢れるばかりのゾンビがあなたの行く手を阻もうとします。あるのはボロボロの車とわずかなキャッシュだけ… 生き抜くためには、次から次へと現れるるゾンビを粉砕していかなければなりません!
Un navire d'évacuation vous attend à l'autre bout du pays. Les seuls obstacles : des zombies qui ont envahi toutes les villes que vous traverserez. Au volant d'une voiture delabree et presque sans argent, vous vous retrouverez dans une situation qui ne vous est pas inconnue : vous devrez foncer à travers des hordes de zombies pour survivre !
Una nave ti attende dall'altro lato del Paese per portarti in salvo. Dovrai però attraversare una città invasa dagli zombie. Avrai a disposizione solo un'auto malmessa e qualche spicciolo per affrontare una situazione che già conosci: guidare tra orde di zombie nel tentativo di sopravvivere.
Una nave de evacuación espera al otro lado del país. Lo único que se interpone en tu camino: una ciudad tras otra invadidas por zombis. Con poco más que un coche destartalado y un puñado de dinero, te enfrentas a una situación familiar... ¡conducir entre hordas de zombis para poder sobrevivir!
탈출선이 지도 반대쪽에서 기다리고 있습니다. 목표 지역까지는 좀비들로 가득찬 여러 도시 지역을 통과해야 합니다. 항상 그렇지만, 이번에도 역시 살아남기 위해서는 낡은 자동차 한 대와 약간의 돈만으로 좀비 무리들을 뚫고 지나가야 합니다.
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