[iOS Hack] Angry Birds 2 Unlimited Gems v2.0.1

The Angry Birds are back in the sequel to the biggest mobile game of all time! Angry Birds 2 starts a new era of addictive slingshot gameplay with stunning graphics, challenging multi-stage levels, scheming boss pigs and even more destruction.

**Angry Birds 2 is optimized for iPhone 5, iPad 3, iPad mini 2 and iPod Touch 5G or newer. You can try it on older devices, but we can't guarantee a smooth bird flinging experience!

It’s the ultimate slingshot action strategy – YOU choose which bird to fling next! “But that makes it easier, right?” WRONG! You’ll need to choose wisely if you’re going to stop those eggs from getting scrambled. Plus, crush those pigs and blocks to fill up the Destruct-O-Meter and earn extra birds!

You’ve never seen Piggy Island like this – jaw-droppingly stunning levels brimming with exotic plants, quirky details, fun animations and plenty of peril. Those naughty porkies are now experts at building physics defying towers: levels now have multiple stages for an added challenge. Uh oh.

Blizzards, Hot Chilis, Golden Ducks and other outrageous spells give you an added advantage against those swindling swine. And when you need some serious help, guess who’s at hand to make a pork-smashing cameo? That’s right, it’s the sardine loving Mighty Eagle. Oh yeah!

Challenge players from across the world in the Arena to see who’s the best bird flinger of them all! Connect to Facebook and play new tournaments every day to earn feathers and level-up your flock. In the Arena you play until you run out of birds and spells, so get out there and solve the puzzles – you’re only up against the rest of the planet.

There’s some serious bad guys on Piggy Island, and your slingshot skills are needed to take them down. Foreman Pig, Chef Pig and the infamous King Pig will stop at nothing to keep your eggs. Are you gonna let ‘em get away with that? It’s time to hit that pork and teach ‘em a lesson.

Application Name: Angry Birds 2
Current Version: 2.0.1
Updated: Jul 30, 2015
Size: 86.3 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id880047117?mt=8

Best Chart Rankings
#1 in Puzzle Games (iPhone) on Aug 1, 2015
#1 in Puzzle Games (iPad) on Aug 1, 2015
#1 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Aug 1, 2015
#1 in Kids Games (iPad) on Aug 1, 2015
#1 in Action Games (iPhone) on Aug 1, 2015
#1 in Action Games (iPad) on Aug 1, 2015
#1 in Top Games (iPhone) on Aug 1, 2015
#1 in Top Games (iPad) on Aug 1, 2015
#1 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Aug 1, 2015
#1 in Top Apps (iPad) on Aug 1, 2015

App Activity
New App: Free, v2.0.1 - Jul 30 '15

Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
  • Unlimited Gems

Angry Birds возвращаются в продолжении самой знаменитой мобильной игры всех времен! Angry Birds 2 открывает новую эру стрельбы из рогаток: тебя ждет невероятная графика, сложные многоэтапные уровни, хитрые свинобоссы и еще большая разрушаемость игрового мира.

Die Angry Birds sind zurück – und zwar in der Fortsetzung zum größten Spiel für Mobilgeräte aller Zeiten! Mit Angry Birds 2 läuten wir eine neue Ära der allseits beliebten Angry Birds Spiele ein – mit toller Grafik, herausfordernden Leveln in mehreren Abschnitten, durchtriebenen Bossschweinen und noch mehr Zerstörung.

Les Angry Birds sont de retour dans la suite du plus grand jeu mobile de tous les temps ! Angry Birds 2 marque un tournant dans l'ère de la fronde : des graphismes somptueux, des niveaux multi-zones retors, des boss cochons fourbes et plus de destruction que jamais !

Gli Angry Bird tornano nel sequel del più grande gioco per dispositivi mobili di tutti i tempi! Angry Birds 2 inaugura una nuova era di divertimento con una grafica sbalorditiva, livelli composti da diverse fasi, perfidi maiali boss e tanti oggetti da distruggere con la tua fionda.

¡Vuelven los Angry Birds en la secuela del mayor juego para móviles de la historia! Angry Birds 2 da comienzo a una nueva era en el videojuego y los tirachinas con gráficos impresionantes, niveles multi-fase llenos de retos, maquinadores cerdos jefe y más destrucción que nunca.

世界で最も成功したモバイルゲームAngry Birdsの続編、Angry Birds 2が登場!美しいグラフィック、チャレンジしがいのあるマルチステージレベル、ずる賢いボスピッグ、破壊もますます激しくなって、スリングショットゲームプレイの新時代の幕開けだ。

사상 최대의 모바일 게임 앵그리버드가 더욱 강력해진 후속 게임으로 돌아왔습니다! 앵그리버드 2는 놀라운 그래픽, 도전적인 멀티-스테이지 레벨, 교활한 보스 돼지와 엄청난 파괴력으로 새총 게임플레이의 새로운 시대를 열 것입니다.

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