[iOS Hack] Score! Hero Unlimited Cash v1.04

Score! Hero, from the award winning makers of Score! World Goals, Dream League Soccer & First Touch Soccer.

BE A HERO! Pass, Shoot & Score your way to legendary status, as you explore the dramatic career of your HERO player over 200 challenging levels!

Immersive free flowing 3D Score! Gameplay lets you control the action. Split defences with precise through balls, or bend shots into the top corner, putting you in control for an unrivalled mobile soccer experience.

Download and play today for FREE!


* Over 200 levels and counting…
* Win awards, win trophies, score goals, change clubs, represent your country and go for glory!
* New Score! Engine that allows more freedom and strategic play than ever before!
* Simple to play, tough to master
* Stunning 3D graphics, cut scenes and animations
* Customise your Hero player for a unique look and feel
* Intelligent AI adapts to your passes, and shots making each play through different
* Connect with Facebook to compete against your closest friends!
* Game Center achievements & leaderboards to see who ranks on top!
* Sync progress between devices with iCloud!
* Engaging Story charting your rise from an aspiring teen to a player making it big!

Application Name: Score! Hero
Current Version: 1.04
Updated: Aug 06, 2015
Size: 93.5 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id847492141?mt=8

App Activity
New App: Free, v1.04 - Aug 06 '15

Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
  • 955000555 Cash

SEI EIN HELD Passen, schießen, treffen! Tor für Tor zur Legende zu werden – das ist dein Karriereziel als HELD in über 200 anspruchsvollen Levels! Dank mitreißendem, flüssigen Score!-Gameplay in 3D kontrollierst du das Geschehen. Spiele präzise Bälle durch die Abwehr oder einen Schlenker in die Ecke – in diesem beispiellosen mobilen Fußballspaß entscheidest du, was als Nächstes passiert.

DEVENEZ UN HÉROS ! Passez, tirez et marquez pour devenir une véritable légende du football, et offrez une carrière prolifique à votre joueur à travers plus de 200 niveaux passionnants ! Le gameplay captivant en 3D de Score! vous assure un contrôle total de l'action. Percez les défenses adverses grâce à votre conduite de balle hors du commun, ou brossez vos frappes en pleine lucarne, le tout dans une expérience de jeu sur mobile sans précédent.

DIVENTA UN EROE! Passa la palla, tira e segna per farti strada e diventare una leggenda, mentre esplori la sensazionale carriera del tuo EROE in oltre 200 emozionanti livelli! Il gameplay in 3D fluido e coinvolgente di Score! ti permette di controllare l'azione. Organizza la tua difesa con precisione per impossessarti della palla o esegui calci d'angolo per controllare questa esperienza calcistica senza pari su mobile.

¡CONVIÉRTETE EN UN HÉROE! Pasa, chuta y marca para convertirte en una leyenda, mientras vives la impresionante carrera de tu HÉROE en más de 200 niveles. La jugabilidad fluida de 3D Score! te permite controlar la acción. Rompe las defensas con balones precisos o envía disparos a la escuadra y toma el control de una experiencia de fútbol nunca antes vista.

ヒーロー登場!200以上も用意されたやりがい満点のレベルをプレイしながら、自分のヒーローが波乱万丈なキャリアを進むのを応援し、パス、シュート、そしてゴールを繰り広げて伝説のプレーヤーの座を手に入れよう! フリースタイルで進行する巨大な「Score!」の3Dワールドで、 ヒーローのアクションをコントール。正確なボールの動きでディフェンスを細かく分けたり、シュートを曲げてゴールの角に入れたりすることも可能。ゲームを思い通りに完全コントールできることで、これまでに例を見ないモバイルサッカーゲームを体験できます。

영웅이 되어 보세요! 패스, 슈팅, 득점을 하며 전설의 선수가 되어 보세요. 그리고 도전의식을 불러 일으키는 200개 이상의 레벨을 플레이하며 히어로 플레이어의 눈부신 커리어를 완성해 가세요! 매끄러운 움직임을 구현하는 실감나는 3D Score! 플레이어 스스로 움직임을 컨트롤할 수 있는 게임플레이. 정교한 볼컨트롤로 교묘하게 수비수를 따돌리고 골대 상단 코너로 벤딩 슛을 넣는 등 다양한 액션을 컨트롤하며 그 어디에서도 경험할 수 없었던 모바일 축구 게임을 즐겨 보세요.

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