[iOS Hack] Hungry Shark Evolution Unlimited Gems Coins v3.3.6

Hungry Shark Evolution
Take control of a very Hungry Shark in this action packed aquatic adventure.
Survive as long as possible by eating everything that gets in your way!

Many different sharks to collect and evolve, including the Hammerhead, Great White and Megalodon!

+ Optimised for iPhone 6
+ Console quality, 3D graphics
+ 11 Shark types to unlock
+ A huge free-roaming world to explore!
+ Intuitive touch or tilt controls
+ 15 sunken Bonus Objects to discover
+ Over 70 missions to complete
+ Equip your sharks with special gadgets and items
+ Unlock Baby Sharks to boost your predatory powers
+ Combo bonuses and Gold Rush to beat your hi-score
+ GameCenter and video recording social features
+ Use Facebook to synchronise your game across all your iOS devices

Application Name: Hungry Shark Evolution
Current Version: 3.3.6
Updated: Aug 10, 2015
Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id535500008?mt=8

Best Chart Rankings
#8 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Aug 8, 2014
#6 in Kids Games (iPad) on Jul 18, 2015
#2 in Arcade Games (iPhone) on Jul 2, 2015
#1 in Arcade Games (iPad) on Aug 15, 2013
#1 in Action Games (iPhone) on Aug 8, 2014
#1 in Action Games (iPad) on Jul 1, 2015
#4 in Top Games (iPhone) on Aug 13, 2014
#2 in Top Games (iPad) on Aug 14, 2013
#8 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Aug 8, 2014
#2 in Top Apps (iPad) on Aug 14, 2013

App Activity
Version 3.3.6 Aug 10 '15
Version 3.3.4 Jul 21 '15
Version 1.2.1 Dec 10 '12
Version 1.1.1 Nov 21 '12

Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
  • Unlimited Gems, Coins

Захватывающее морское приключение, в котором вам предстоит управлять… акулой! Постарайтесь удержаться на плаву как можно дольше, пожирая все на своем пути! Большой выбор акул для развития, включая акулу-молот, белую акулу и даже мегалодона!

In diesem actiongeladenen Wasserabenteuer steuerst du einen äußerst hungrigen Hai. Überlebe möglichst lange, indem du alles frisst, was dir in die Quere kommt! Unter den verschiedenen Haien, die du sammeln und großziehen kannst, befinden sich der Hammerhai, der Weiße Hai und der Megalodon!

Prenez le contrôle d'un requin affamé dans cette aventure aquatique bourrée d'action. Restez en vie aussi longtemps que possible en mangeant tout ce qui vous passe sous le nez ! De nombreux requins à récupérer et améliorer, comme le requin marteau, le requin blanc et le mégalodon !

Controlla un affamatissimo squalo in quest'avventura acquatica ricca d'azione. Sopravvivi il più a lungo possibile mangiando tutto quello che ti capita davanti! Colleziona e fai evolvere tanti squali diversi, inclusi lo Squalo martello, lo Squalo Bianco e il Megalodon!

Hazte con el control de un tiburón muy hambriento en esta aventura acuática repleta de acción. ¡Sobrevive tanto tiempo como puedas comiéndote todo lo que se ponga en tu camino! ¡Con muchos tiburones diferentes para coleccionar y evolucionar, como el tiburón martillo, el gran tiburón blanco y el megalodón!


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