[iOS Hack] El Diego Unlimited Coins v1.0

Travel the world and rescue all the animals in El Diego! Every ball must disappear in this highly bouncy game inspired from snooker!

Bouncing piñatas, smart woodlouses, undestructible walls... Some troublesome obstacles are to be expected throughout more than 100 missions!


- Travel the world's most beautiful and exotic countries: Mexico, Russia, Egypt and many more!
- Ready yourself for a bouncy and challenging adventure
- Make good use of the most powerful booster ever seen in a video game: The Magnet!
- One-finger gameplay: easy to pick up, easy to play, impossible to let down!

Application Name: El Diego
Current Version: 1.0
Updated: Aug 06, 2015
Size: 37.0 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 5.1.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id978382984?mt=8

Best Chart Rankings
#58 in Puzzle Games (iPhone) on Aug 9, 2015
#35 in Puzzle Games (iPad) on Aug 9, 2015
#88 in Arcade Games (iPhone) on Aug 9, 2015
#48 in Arcade Games (iPad) on Aug 9, 2015
#178 in Top Games (iPad) on Aug 9, 2015

App Activity
New App: Free, v1.0 - Aug 05 '15

Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
  • 955000555 Coins

El Diego потребует от тебя немалой сообразительности и сноровки: освободить всех животных будет не так-то просто! Прыгающие пиньяты, хитрые мокрицы, нерушимые стены... Целая серия препятствий сделает твою миссию трудновыполнимой.

El Diego fordert deine Geschicklichkeit heraus: Alle Tiere zu befreien wird keine einfache Aufgabe! Hüpfende Piñatas, schlaue Asseln, unzerstörbare Mauern... Eine ganze Reihe Hindernisse machen deine Mission schwierig.

El Diego mettra votre adresse à rude épreuve. Ce ne sera pas une mince affaire de libérer tous les animaux ! Piñatas rebondissantes, cloportes intelligents, murs indestructibles... De nombreux obstacles viendront compliquer votre tâche.

El Diego metterà alla prova la tua destrezza: liberare tutti gli animali non sarà un compito facile! Piñatas saltellanti, scaltri insetti, muri indistruttibili... la tua missione sarà complicata da una serie di ostacoli.

El Diego pondrá a prueba tu habilidad: ¡liberar a todos los animales no te va a ser fácil! Piñatas que rebotan, cochinillas inteligentes, muros indestructibles... Un montón de obstáculos que entorpecerán tu misión.

El Diegoでは器用さが勝負です: 動き回る生き物達は、とっても手強いです! 揺れるピニャータ、利口なワラジムシ、壊れにくい壁・・・。一連の障害物があなたの任務を妨害します。

El Diego는 나의 손재주를 시험합니다. 모든 동물을 풀어주는 일이 그렇게 간단하지 않습니다! 방방 뛰는 피냐타, 영리한 쥐며느리, 부술 수 없는 벽까지... 여러 장애물이 게임 미션을 어렵게 만듭니다.

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