[iOS Hack] Caroline's Working Unlimited Coins v1.0
※ Caroline's Working has been featured as Best New Game in 73 countries and areas over the world ※
The restaurant where Caroline’s working is in crisis!!
The warehouse is food flooded, kitchen is a mess, and we’re short in hands!
But we account on you, Caroline, the girl who can leverage magic power behind warehouse!
Go! Caroline!
※ neat pictures
Colorful fresh foods and mystery fairies. You can always find new fun stuff.
※ improvising music
Don’t forget how it feels in a great restaurant. Keep that in mind and overcome any difficulties.
※ easy to play
Eliminating, bombing, and moving forward to somewhere deep in the warehouse! Disclose all secrets is not that easy!
※ various elements
Coin, treasure, and tricks by fairies. Some of them can be pleasant, and some of them are really troubles!
※ apple watch mini-game
Place orders for customers on your apple watch! You will know how hard to work in the kitchen!
Best Chart Rankings
#73 in Puzzle Games (iPhone) on Aug 15, 2015
#76 in Puzzle Games (iPad) on Aug 15, 2015
#59 in Family Games (iPhone) on Aug 15, 2015
#103 in Family Games (iPad) on Aug 15, 2015
App Activity
New App: Free, v1.0 - Aug 13 '15
Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
Название игры
Ресторан, где Кэролайн работает, встретит большой кризис!
Кухня приходить в беспорядок. Продукты в складе нагромождаются как гора, но нет достаточных рабочих, которые могут переносить все вещи в кухню.
Надежная Кэролайн будет решать проблемы с помощью гоблины, прячущиеся в складе!
Давайте! Кэролайн!
Karolin's Taten
Das Restaurant, wo Karolin arbeitet, ist einer großen Gefahr begegnet.
Lebensmittel stappeln sich zu einem Berg, aber es gibt nicht genug Leute, es in die Küche zu bringen.
von dem Ladenbesitzer dringend erwartet und sie wird sich die Kräfte von Geistern, die sich in dem Lager verstecken, ausleihen, um diese Probleme zu lösen! Geh! Karolin!
Nom du jeu
Le restaurant où Caroline travaille face à une crise majeure!
La cuisine est dans le chaos. La nourriture accumule dans l'entrepôt, mais il n'y a pas assez de personnel pour la déplacer dans la cuisine.
Caroline à qui le chef de magasin met de grands espoirs va résoudre des problèmes en empruntant la puissance de Mimic cachée dans l’entrepôt!
Allez! Caroline!
Il lavoro di Caroline
Una grave crisi al ristorante dove lavora Caroline!
Nela cucina c’è un vero caos. I cibi accumulano continualmente nella magazina, e non c'è abbastanza personale per spostare il cibo in cucina.
Calorile, la speranza del capo, utilizza il potere di gnomo nascosto nella magazina per risolvere i probolemi!
Vai! Caroline!
Trabajo de Caroline
¡La cantina donde trabaja Carolina se enfrenta con gran crisis!
La cantina está muy desordenada, con demasiada comida en almacén sin personal suficiente personal que la traslada a cantina.
Carolina, con mucha expectación del jefe y fuerza de mimic del almacén, ¡resolverá el problema!
¡Vaya, Carolina!
카라림이 아르바이트 하고 있는 레스토랑은 큰 위기에 직면하였다!
주방은 어지럽고 창고안에는 음식이 산더미처럼 쌓여있었다. 하지만 일손이 부족하여 음식을 주방에 운송할수 없었다.
지점장은 카로림에게 큰 기대를 걸었다.카로림은 창고에 숨어있는 요정의 힘을 빌어 이 문제를 해결하여야 했다!
어서 가거라! 카로림!
※ 去吧!卡洛琳!获得全球73个国家地区最佳新游戏推荐 ※
The restaurant where Caroline’s working is in crisis!!
The warehouse is food flooded, kitchen is a mess, and we’re short in hands!
But we account on you, Caroline, the girl who can leverage magic power behind warehouse!
Go! Caroline!
※ neat pictures
Colorful fresh foods and mystery fairies. You can always find new fun stuff.
※ improvising music
Don’t forget how it feels in a great restaurant. Keep that in mind and overcome any difficulties.
※ easy to play
Eliminating, bombing, and moving forward to somewhere deep in the warehouse! Disclose all secrets is not that easy!
※ various elements
Coin, treasure, and tricks by fairies. Some of them can be pleasant, and some of them are really troubles!
※ apple watch mini-game
Place orders for customers on your apple watch! You will know how hard to work in the kitchen!
Application Name: Caroline's Working
Current Version: 1.0
Updated: Aug 13, 2015
Size: 29.3 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
iTunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id1021897571?mt=8
Best Chart Rankings
#73 in Puzzle Games (iPhone) on Aug 15, 2015
#76 in Puzzle Games (iPad) on Aug 15, 2015
#59 in Family Games (iPhone) on Aug 15, 2015
#103 in Family Games (iPad) on Aug 15, 2015
App Activity
New App: Free, v1.0 - Aug 13 '15
Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
- Unlimited Coins
Название игры
Ресторан, где Кэролайн работает, встретит большой кризис!
Кухня приходить в беспорядок. Продукты в складе нагромождаются как гора, но нет достаточных рабочих, которые могут переносить все вещи в кухню.
Надежная Кэролайн будет решать проблемы с помощью гоблины, прячущиеся в складе!
Давайте! Кэролайн!
Karolin's Taten
Das Restaurant, wo Karolin arbeitet, ist einer großen Gefahr begegnet.
Lebensmittel stappeln sich zu einem Berg, aber es gibt nicht genug Leute, es in die Küche zu bringen.
von dem Ladenbesitzer dringend erwartet und sie wird sich die Kräfte von Geistern, die sich in dem Lager verstecken, ausleihen, um diese Probleme zu lösen! Geh! Karolin!
Nom du jeu
Le restaurant où Caroline travaille face à une crise majeure!
La cuisine est dans le chaos. La nourriture accumule dans l'entrepôt, mais il n'y a pas assez de personnel pour la déplacer dans la cuisine.
Caroline à qui le chef de magasin met de grands espoirs va résoudre des problèmes en empruntant la puissance de Mimic cachée dans l’entrepôt!
Allez! Caroline!
Il lavoro di Caroline
Una grave crisi al ristorante dove lavora Caroline!
Nela cucina c’è un vero caos. I cibi accumulano continualmente nella magazina, e non c'è abbastanza personale per spostare il cibo in cucina.
Calorile, la speranza del capo, utilizza il potere di gnomo nascosto nella magazina per risolvere i probolemi!
Vai! Caroline!
Trabajo de Caroline
¡La cantina donde trabaja Carolina se enfrenta con gran crisis!
La cantina está muy desordenada, con demasiada comida en almacén sin personal suficiente personal que la traslada a cantina.
Carolina, con mucha expectación del jefe y fuerza de mimic del almacén, ¡resolverá el problema!
¡Vaya, Carolina!
카라림이 아르바이트 하고 있는 레스토랑은 큰 위기에 직면하였다!
주방은 어지럽고 창고안에는 음식이 산더미처럼 쌓여있었다. 하지만 일손이 부족하여 음식을 주방에 운송할수 없었다.
지점장은 카로림에게 큰 기대를 걸었다.카로림은 창고에 숨어있는 요정의 힘을 빌어 이 문제를 해결하여야 했다!
어서 가거라! 카로림!
※ 去吧!卡洛琳!获得全球73个国家地区最佳新游戏推荐 ※
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